Saturday, June 1, 2019

Aunt's 85th Birthday

On her 85th birthday last April, Aunt Adriana received video calls from her grandchildren: Edoardo called her from Quito, Ecuador, Viola called her from Istanbul, Turkey, Matilde called from Denmark, Paul from the Philippines and a friend called from New Zealand. When I met her a few days later she told me: "I couldn't believe I had spoken to all of my grandchildren and seen them on my daughter's smartphone. When my first child was born in 1955 my husband and I were away from home and he went to the post office to send our parents a telegram to announce the birth of our baby. So many technological changes in my lifetime

The first aspect I want to reflect on is interaction. How did sender and receiver interact through a telegramme? How does interpersonal interaction change with the use of videocalls?